Archive for June, 2007

Energizer Bunnies

Today was a fun-filled day spent at Jean and Grace’s house.  Since today’s playgroup is at Jean’s house, I brought Sarah there right after her morning class, so that she and Grace can spend more time playing.  Little Grace was so sweet.  She was so excited when she heard us at the door, and even before we managed to take off our shoes and step into the house, she was telling Sarah (in her own lingo) how she missed her since she did not manage to see Sarah at sunday school last week.  The two girls wasted no time in having fun.

Why energizer bunnies?  Because these 2 girls, together with Amber and Yauyau, spent most of their time running all about the house, and they don’t seem to be tired, especially for Sarah who only caught a less-than-an-hour nap before the playgroup.  This mommy got tired nagging at Sarah to stop running and be careful. After Amber and Yauyau left, these two girls found a new play hideout – Grace’s bathroom.  There are lots of toys in Grace’s bathroom, so these 2 girls took a stool and parked themselves in the shower area playing with them. Shaking head. Any place, every place can be their playground.

Hubby came to join us after work, and we had a nice dinner with Simon and Jean.  My little energizer bunny finally used up all her energy.  Came home, had her milk and fell asleep.

Thanks Jean for the wonderful day, and the simple but delicious lunch.  Somehow, I felt much uplifted and positive after talking  to you.

June 14, 2007 at 11:14 pm 3 comments

The Sound of Music

Nope, not referring to the classic movie starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, even though that is one of my favourite movie. This is the theme of Sarah’s holiday program for this week.

I signed her up for a 2-week holiday program at Zoophonics. The theme for this week is The Sound of Music. The children learnt about a different type of instruments each day: wind instruments, percussion, string instruments, brass instruments and piano. Sarah enjoyed herself very much, and is always looking forward to class everyday. She participated very well in class, a far cry from 2 years ago, when she will cry and cling on to me whenever we bring her for enrichment classes. Needless to say, we stopped after a term then.

The children got to do a craft everyday relating to the type of instrument for that day. Here is what Sarah did this week.

There is a guitar, drum, shaker and flute, and some other crafts and painting.

I am looking forward to next week’s class.  The theme is My World of Eric Carle.  We have read many of Eric Carle’s books and Sarah loves them.  I am sure she will enjoy it.

June 9, 2007 at 12:13 am 2 comments

Pray for Baby Kaleb

I can’t imagine and comprehend why anyone would do this to a baby who does no harm.

Watch this and have your tissues ready.

June 8, 2007 at 4:52 pm Leave a comment

A Step Forward

By the grace of God, Sarah has taken her first step towards being toilet-trained.  As you may know, Sarah had been very resistant to my efforts to train her.  Every time I sit her on the potty or toilet, she will refuse to let go, and would hold on to her pee until I, for fear that her kidneys may be affected, finally put on the diaper for her, then she will let go of all the pee that she is holding on.

There is much to the truth that the child will be ready when he/she is ready.  After all the failed attempts, I decided to cool off for some time before trying again.  As it is with trying for a baby, the less you think about it, the more likely you will succeed.  One fine day, while I was brushing her teeth while she was having her morning shower, she peed on the floor.  This little girl was so excited that she peed, and I took the opportunity to praise and encourage her.  That’s all, I did nothing else.  The same happened the next day, and the next.  But this time, she will stand over the drainage hole in the shower area and pee over it.  And she could do it when I asked her to pee.  So I thought she may be ready now.  So a few days back, I put her on panties and brought her to the toilet every hour, and she did peed!!!

I am glad that we finally have some success with toilet training, although like my Mom said, she uses the primitive method by squatting on the floor instead of using the toilet.  Never mind, one step at a time.  Just now, she did her poo in her panties too.  Though it was a mess to clean up, but I am glad that she is now able to pee and poo without her diaper on, which she previously needed.  The next step now will be to get her used to using her toilet.

One step at a time.

June 3, 2007 at 2:58 pm 1 comment

June 2007